
记作业 > 高中学习方法 > 高一方法 > 高一英语试卷必修三考卷




1. His first speech as president made a strong i on his audience.

2. With a g leading the way, he had no difficulty in finding the park.

3. He could not t the extremes of heat in the desert.

4. Many people wore m to protect themselves from SARS.

5. It took me a few weeks to get used to the new (环境),

6. Tom is (乐观)about getting a good mark in the final exam.

7. The company made a(n) (调整)to my salary because of what I had done.

8. He (不断地)plays music loudly at night, which makes his neighbours annoyed.

9. Tell the boys to s off all the lights as he leaves the room to save the electricity.

10. Mary has three children by a (在前的,早先的) marriage.


11. We were (surprise) to find that few of the students did the experiment well.

12. Most of the people (invite) to the party didn’t turn up because of the heavy rain.

13. Gordon’s words left me (wonder) his real purpose.

14. With so many friends (support) us, we are sure (finish) the work ahead of time.

15. (give)advice by the famous detective, the young lady was no longer afraid.

16. The hunter left his house, (follow) by his dog.

17. She sat by the window, (lose) in thought.

18.—— Who is the man (talk) to our headmaster?

—— A professor (pay) a visit to our school from Beijing University.

19. When (heat), ice can be changed into water.

20. (confuse) by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of the fresh air.


21. 人一旦被这种蛇咬到,便会立即死亡。

22. 因为担心自己的儿子,那位母亲整晚都在家门口等待。

23. 他过马路时看见一个与他弟弟长的很相似的人。

24. 王平在电脑荧屏上闪了一下开关,于是一个桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术那样从地板下面升起来。

25. 我首先参观的是一个太空站,这个站被认为是太空中最现代的地方。


We often think of future. We often wonder ____26____the world will be like a hundred years’ time.

Think of space. Perhaps a permanent station on the moon ____27____ (set up). Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as ____28____(visit). Cheap rockets for space travel will have been developed, ____29____ (permit) long journeys through the solar system. ____ 30____ that time comes, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting ____31____ planets. Great progress will have been made ____32____ medicine, too. Pollution will have been controlled in a hundred years’ time.

____33____ the world will have been developed—even Antarctica. We will have used up most of the earth’s land____34____(build) our cities, so floating cities will have been built. The Japanese have already plans of this kind. And there will be cities ____35____ the sea.


If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak. When you 36

Using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this and nobody would think of37 this fact. Yet there are many people who do not seem to know that memory works in the38 way.

39 Someone says that he has a good memory: he 40 means that his memory by practicing exercising it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he actually means that he does not give it enough chances to become 41 . Have you ever 42 that people who cannot read or write usually have 43 memories than those who can? This is 44 those who cannot read or write have to remember things. They have to remember dates, places. Names, songs and stories. So their memory is the whole time being used. So if you want to have a good memory, you should learn from those people, 45 by remembering what you see, hear, feel and write. If so, you must have a good memory.

36. A. begin B. go on   C. stop    D. continue?

37. A. doing B. agreeing C. questioning D. answering?

38. A. other B. usual C. same D. opposite

39. A. As B. What C. while D. when?

40. A. really B. actually C. truly D. then ?

41. A. poor B. weak C. strong D. healthy?

42. A. seen B. heard of C. thought of D. noticed

43. A. worse B. better C. more D. less

44. A. why B. how C. because D. the reason?

45. A. train B. try C. please D. enjoy



Can you imagine traveling to work in a one man submarine? Some scientists believe that some day one man submarines will be as many as automobiles are today. A famous French driver says, “One day soon, men will walk on the ocean floor as they do on the street!” Perhaps during your lifetime people will travel, work, and live in the sea.

If human beings want to live in the ocean, many human problems will need to be studied first.

Some of these problems, similar to those of living in outer space, are pressure, lack of oxygen and weightlessness. Many questions are still unanswered. For example, can our blood make itself fit for underwater surroundings? What will happen to our muscle if we live in the water very long? Scientists are looking for answers.?

Perhaps in the future man will live in the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land. Then sea has plenty of space, not only for floating living buildings and parks, but also for storing supplies and for underwater travel.?

Some scientists believe that ocean living will benefit man in more than physical ways. In the freedom and beauty of the deep sea, man may find new sources of joy.?

46. What can we do if we live in the ocean

A. We can have plenty of oxygen.?

B. We can be fit to live in the water very well.?

C. We needn’t worry about things like weightlessness.?

D. We can travel and work in the sea.?

47. Why do some people hope to leave cities to live in the sea? Because__________.?

A. people think they can live crowdedly in the sea?

B. people wish to go the quiet seafloor to travel for several days?

C. people want to break away from the crowded and noisy cities where’s they live now?

D. only in this way can people get rid of noise pollution?

48. In what ways could ocean living be helpful for man

A. People can swim freely as much as possible.?

B. People can be interested in the new pleasure there isn’t anywhere else.?

C. The sea can supply people with enough foods and other things, so people needn’t work.?

D. People can go boating and go to the park as often as possible.?

49. Which of the following is the similar problem as that of living in outer space

A. We are short of oxygen.?

B. We are not familiar with the underwater surrounding.?

C. We may die of weightlessness.?

D. We can finds new joys.?

50. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage

A. The scientists have not solved the problem of weightlessness underwater.?

B. The scientists have solved the problem of weightlessness when man live in space.?

C. Some scientists believe that ocean living will benefit man in no more than physical ways.

D. Sea has plenty of space only for floating living buildings and parks.?


Some people have the feeling that nothing can be done about their poor reading ability. They feel hopeless about it. Can you learn to read better, or must you agree that nothing can be done about it?

To be sure, people are different. You cannot expect to do everything as well as certain other people do. If all the students in a class tried out for basketball, some would be very good players; others would be very poor; and many would be in between. But even the very poor players can become much better players if they are guided in the right way, and with plenty of practice. It is the same with reading. Some seem to enjoy reading and to read well without any special help. Others find reading a slow and tiring job. In between, there are all degrees of reading ability.

Many experiments have shown that just about every poor reader can improve his reading ability. In these experiments, the poor readers were given tests of reading ability. After some of the causes of their reading were discovered, they were given special instruction and practice in reading. After a few months, another test of the same kind was given. In nearly all cases, these people had raised their reading scores.

51. With the example of basketball players, the author shows ________.

A. why certain people are poor readersB. that there are differences in people’s abilities

C. why some people are good basketball players

D. that good basketball players can be good readers

52. To improve their reading ability, people should ________.

A. work long and hard B. take different forms of tests

C. have special help and practice D. try different reading materials

53. The experiments mentioned in the text show that ________.

A. good readers seem to enjoy reading B. almost all poor readers can make progress

C. causes of poor reading were difficult to find out

D. tests help people improve their reading ability

54. What does the underlined sentence “many would be in between” mean?

A. It means that many are the best basket players.

B. It means that many are the worst basket players.

C. It means that many are standing in the middle of the line.

D. It means that there are several levels of players in many students.

55. What’s the purpose of the author’s writing this passage?

A. To encourage people to improve their reading ability.

B. To suggest that readers should do practice only in reading.

C. To tell us that readers can’t improve their reading ability without special help.

D. To tell us that to be a good reader, one should be guided in the right way.

第七部分:书面表达 (共15分)


Years ago it was very difficult to travel from one place to another. The journeys were often long,tiring and dangerous. Today the picture has changed. Science has improved transportation and communication facilities a great deal. Traveling has become safer,more enjoyable and above all,more economical.

Traveling—whether within one‘s country or abroad—brings many invaluable benefits. People travel for pleasure,business or for education and knowledge. In the world of yesterday most people were only able to read about strange and fascinating places across the mountains and seas. Later, with the coming of the cinema and television, man’s curiosity about faraway places with strange sounding names was further stirred up. Today man‘s curiosity can be satisfied in luxurious comfort. There are first-class ships and airplanes to take him where his dreams lie.

We travel to increase our knowledge of the world in which we live. Knowledge obtained from books alone is not enough. New knowledge of different lands and peoples enrich our mind and soul. Books generally do not give us a very true picture of lands beyond our shores. Some of them are even misleading.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“现代交通的利与弊”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:
















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