
记作业 > 高中学习方法 > 高二方法 > 高二英语选修六的必会知识点分析




Ⅰ.Hot words and hot phrases常用词与常用词组

1.Medical studies show that AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes:cups,glasses,toilet seats,swimming pools,mosquitoes,other insects or blood donation.(P.49)

2.AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body's immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness.(P.51)

3.People get AIDS after having been infected with the HIV virus.(P.51)

4.People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected blood transfusions or,as in Xiaohua's case,through birth.(P.51)

5.Xiaohua's mother contracted the HIV virus when she was 28,and she died of AIDS only three years after Xiaohua was born.(P.51)

6.The disease is spreading faster in Africa and parts of Asia,mainly because of a lack of proper health care,prevention and education.(P.51)

7.The drugs that are available are much too expensive and difficult to find.(P.51)

8....but she does not let that knowledge discourage her.(P.51)

9.She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up.(P.51)

10.The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from.(P.52)

11....that can persuade hospitals and companies to allocate more funds for AIDS research and education.(P.52)

12.Xiaohua has learnt to live with HIV and the fact she will eventually get AIDS.(P.52)

13.Two years ago,Dr Richards had asked me a great many questions and had taken samples of my blood.(P.55)

14.Mum held my hand and I saw that she was weeping.(P.55)

15.Cancer is a disease that begins in cells.(P.55)

16.In my body,the production of cells is disrupted.(P.55)

17.Doctors do know that cancer is not caused by injury and is not contagious—it does not spread from one person to another.(P.55)

18.The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment.(P.55)

19.Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest.(P.55)

20.Every day is a new opportunity and I have learnt to appreciate every minute of each day.

Ⅱ.Language points and grammar focus语言点和语法重点

A.Language points语言点

1.HIV/AIDS is incurable...(P.49)

AIDS is a disease that...leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness.(P.51)


2.People get AIDS after having been infected with the HIV virus.(P.51)


3.As with most diseases and disasters,the young suffer the most.

“定冠词 + 形容词/过去分词”表示“一类人”的用法的小结

4.I had been feeling sick for a long time and my mum had taken me to hospital to have me examined.(P.55)


2)“to have + 宾语 + 过去分词”的两个内涵及用法

5.The treatment was successful and I was able to go home after exactly fourteen months,two days and six hours in hospital.(P.55)

was/were able to do与could do在内涵上的区别及各自的用法

6.I have been living with cancer for two years and...(P.55)


Ⅲ.Skills of the four essential abilities:listening,speaking,reading and writing听、说、读、写四项基本能力的学习技巧

1.Listening:Master the main idea of a long dialogue through the inner connections among the questions so as to have better understanding of the questioned details


2.Speaking:Talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards AIDS,cancer,etc.


3.Reading:Make full use of informational words and phrases


4.Writing:How to write a personal narrative




1. impression n. 印记;印象;感想;后接 of sb./ of sth./ on sb./ that 从句; My first impression of him was favorable.他给我的第一印象非常讨人喜欢。 I got the impression that they were unhappy about the situation. 他们给我的印象是他们对这个情形不是很开心。

知识拓展:impress v.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记;使感动;常用结构有:impress sth. on/upon sb./impress sb. with sth.给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记; It impressed me that she remembered my name.令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。

2. remind v.提醒;使想起;常用结构有: remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事;remind sb.+(that)/wh-从句 提醒某人……;使某人想起……;remind sb. about/of sth. 使某人想起或意识到……;提醒某人某事 I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name, can you remind me? 很抱歉,我忘记你叫什么名字了,你能提醒一下吗?

You remind me of your father when you say that. 说到那的时候,我想起了你的父亲。

知识拓展:reminder n.提醒物;引起回忆的事物

3. constantly adv.始终;一直;重复不断地 Fashion is constantly changing.时尚总是日新月异。 知识拓展:constant adj.连续发生的;不断的;重复的;

4. previous adj.先前的;以往的;(时间上)稍前的;

No previous experience is necessary for this job. 以往的经验对这项工作不是很有必要。

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news.我听到这个消息的时候,我觉得简直令人那以置信。

I had only seen him the previous day. 我只在几天前见到过他。

知识拓展:previously adv. 先前的;早先

The building had previously been used as a hotel.这栋建筑早些时候被用作旅馆。

5. bend v.(bent bent)弯曲;使弯曲;弯腰;弯身;常用搭配有: bend one's mind/efforts

to sth. 致力于某事 bend sb.to sth. 迫使;说服 bend the truth 歪曲事实 It's hard to bend an iron bar. 把铁棒弄弯很不容易。

She bent her head and kissed her daughter. 她低下头吻了她的女儿。

6. press v. 压;按;推;挤;坚持;敦促 n. 报章杂志,新闻工作者,新闻界 She pressed a handkerchief to his nose. 她用手绢捂住鼻子。 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal. 她用力踩下油门踏板。 He is still pressing her claim for compensation. 他仍坚持索赔。 The press was/were not allowed to attend the trial. 庭审谢绝新闻采访。

7. switch n. & v. 用作名词表示“开关;转换”。用作动词表示“转换”。 She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born. 她生第一个孩子的时候调整了工作,把全职工作转换成了兼职工作。 Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen. 按这两个键来转换屏幕上的文件。

I can't work next week, will you switch with me? 下周我不想上班,你能和我换一下班。

8. lack n. & v. 用作名词,表示:“缺乏;短缺”;用作动词,表示:“缺乏;短缺;没有;不足”。 a lack of food /money/skills 缺乏食物/金钱/技能

The trip was cancelled through lack of interest. 因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。 He lacks confidence. 他缺乏信心。

知识拓展:lacking adj. 缺乏;没有;匮乏;不足

9. surroundings n.环境;surround v. 围绕;环绕 surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的 Everyone likes to work in pleasant surroundings. 每个人都喜欢在愉快的环境中工作。

10. catch/gain/get sight of 发现,看出;lose sight of 看不见,忘记; lose one's sight 失明;at first sight 一见就;乍看起来;at (the) sight of 一看见就……;be in sight 看得见,在眼前;out of sight 看不见At first sight, the problem seems easy. 乍一看,这个问题似乎很简单。 At the sight of the teacher, the boy ran away. 小男孩一看到老师就跑了。 The island is still in sight. 小岛仍然在眼前。

Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。

11. take up:to fill or use an amount of space or time 占用(时间);占据(空间);to learn to or start to do sth 开始做(某项工作);开始从事;to accept sth. that is offered or available 接受(建议或能得到的东西) The table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地儿。 They have taken up golf. 他们学起打高尔夫球来了。 She took up his offer of a drink. 他请她喝一杯,她接受了。 He takes up his duties next week. 他下周就要开始履行职责。

12. sweep up 打扫;清扫;横扫;涌向;快速地抱起 He swept up the baby up into his arms. 他一把将孩子抱进怀里


Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. Well-known for their expertise, his parents’ company …..

Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air. Exhausted, I slid into the bed and fell fast asleep. 过去分词作状语:过去分词作状语时,说明动作发生的背景或情况,其等同于一个状语从句。vt 过去分词作状语时与主句主语构成被动关系,表示被动和完成,vi 过去分词表示状态或动作的完成。

1. 作原因状语,等于as / since / because 引导从句

Moved by what she said ,we couldn’t help crying . = ( As we are moved by what she said …

2. 作时间状语,等于when 引导时间从句,如果分词表示的动作与谓语的动作同时发生,可在分词前加when/ while / until 等使时间意义更明确。 When heated , water can be changed into steam .

Seen from the hill ,the park looks very beautiful .= ( When the park is seen from the hill…

3. 作条件状语等于 if / whether 引导从句

Given more attention , the cabbages could have grown better .= ( If they have been given more attention ….

Compared with you , we still have a long way to go = ( If we are compared with you …

4. 作方式或伴随状语

The actress came in , followed by her fans . She sat by the window , lost in thought .

5. 作让步状语

Much tired ,he still kept on working .=(Although he was tired ,) he ….

6. 独立主格结构: 当分词的逻辑主语不是主句主语时,分词可以有自己独立的逻辑主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构。常用来表示伴随情况。 The boy rushed into the classroom , his face covered with sweat . All things considered ,your article is of great value than hers .


1. The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. (Reading)


Whenever I went to see him, he would treat me with some home-made cakes.


would 还有以下用法:

(1) 表示意愿。如:

He wouldn’t let the doctor take his blood pressure.


(2) 表示猜测。如:

That would be in 1976, I think.


(3) 表示倾向。如:

The window wouldn’t open.


2. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.(Reading)

look forward to指热切地期盼着一件事或行动。此短语中的to是介词,所以后面的宾语应为名词或动词的-ing形式。如:

We are looking forward to my uncle’s visit with great pleasure.


We’re looking forward to seeing him again.


含有介词to的动词短语还有 lead to(导致,通向), be/get used to(习惯于), pay attention to(注意), devote...to(致力于,献身于), prefer...to(喜欢……胜过……), get down to(开始认真干某事)等。

3. The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.(Reading)

as though和as if 意义相同,都表示“似乎”、“好像”之意。当说话人认为句子所述是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时,as though / if 从句要用虚拟语气。如:

He talked as if he knew all about it.


It seemed as if the day would never end.


I feel as though I were ten years younger.


She looks as if she had not slept last night.


He talks about pyramids as though he had seen them himself.


当说话人认为所述的情况可能发生时,as though / if从句可用陈述语气。如:

It seems as if our team is going to win.


It looks as if it is going to rain.














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