
记作业 > 高中学习方法 > 高二方法 > 高二英语下册知识点


高二一年,强人将浮出水面,鸟人将沉入海底。 高二重点解决三个问题:一,吃透课本;二,找寻适合自己的学习方法;三,总结自己考试技巧,形成习惯。为了帮助你的学习更上一层楼,下面是小编给大家带来的高二英语下册知识点,希望大家能够喜欢!


1)whether和if常用来引导宾语从句,这时两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用。例如: ①I don't know whether/if they will come to help us. 我不知道他们是否来帮助我们。 ②I am not sure whether/if I'll have time to go with you. 我很难说我们是否有时间跟你们一起去。 上面两句无区别。

但是,当whether与or not连成一个词组时,whether不可换用if。例如: ③I don't know whether or not they will come for our help. 我不知道他们是否要来求我们支援。 【注意】若whether和or not不连在一起,在口语中可以用if取代whether,当然也可以用whether。例如: ④I am not certain if/whether the train will arrive on time. 我没有把握火车是否准时到达。 ⑤I don't care if/whether your car breaks down or not. 我不在乎您的车是否是会出故障。


(1)在介词后面只能用whether,不能用if。例如: ①This depends upon whether we are determined to do it. 这件事要看我们是否有决心去做。 ②It depends on whether he is ready. 这件事要看他是否有准备。 ③I am not interested in whether you'll come or not. 你来不来我不感兴趣。 ④We haven't settled the question of whether we'll renew our supplies of coal for factory. 是否要为我们工厂补充一些煤,这个问题我们还没有决定。 (2)在动词不定式之前,只能用whether,不能用if。例如: ①He doesn't know whether to stay or not. 他不能知道是否要留下来。 ②She doesn't knows whether to get married now or wait. 是否现在结婚或是等待她不知道。 (3)在及物运动discuss后的宾语从句中,只能用whether,不能用if。例如: ①We discussed whether we should make a change in our plan. 我们讨论了是不是要对我们的计划作一些修改。 ②We were discussing whether we should discuss the business with them. 我们正在讨论我们是否要和他们谈这个生意。

2)引导主语从句时,只能用whether,不能用if。例如: ①It is unknown whether he will come. 他是否来还不知道。 ②Whether the news is true remains a question. 这个消息是否真实仍然是个问题。

3)引导表语从句时,只能用whether,不能用if。例如: ①What we want to know is whether he will come to speak to us tomorrow. 我们想知道的是他明天是否来给我们讲话。 ②The question is whether they can take our advice. 问题是他们是否能接受我们的意见。4)引导同位语从句时,常用whether。例如: ①The question whether we'll build another lecture buil你到底想说什么 hasn't been settled. 是否要另建一幢教学楼的问题还未决定。 ②The question whether he'll come is unknown. 他是否来的问题还不知道。

5)可以用来引导一个否定的宾语从句,whether则不能用来引导否定的宾语从句,因为它表示正反两方面的选择意义比较强。例如: ①Tell me if it is not going to rain, please. 请告诉我明天是否不会下雨。 ②He considered if he shouldn't tell her the secret. 他考虑他是否不该告诉她这个秘密。

6)if除引导宾语从句外,还可以引导条件状语从句,作“是否”解。在容易引起混淆产生歧义的情况下,就不可用if,而须用whether。例如: ①Please let me know if you intend to come.这个句子有两种解释: A:“请让我们知道你是否想来。” B:“如果你打算来,请让我们知道。” 第一种解释是把if引导的从句看作宾语从句,把动词know视为及物动词(vt.);第二种解释是把if引导的从句当作条件状语从句,把动词know看作不及物动词(vi.)。 在口语中,我们可以通过语调来表示两者的区别;但是,在书面语中,无上下文(如一张便条上写着这句话),那就含混不清了。如果我们想表达的第一种含义,就得用whether来改写第一句。 ①Please let me know whether you intend to come. 又如: ②Let me know whether he has left for Shanghai. 告诉我他是否已经去上海了。 ③Let me know if he has left for Shanghai. 如果他去上海,请告诉我一声。 此外,whether还可以引导让步状语从句,作“无论、不管”解。



wish to do sth.

wish sb. to do sth.

Wish that…

注意: 引导的宾语从句,谓语动词用虚拟形式, 可以表示对现在/当时;过去;未来的“希望”

eg. I wish that I were five years old.

I wish that I had studied hard before.

I wish that I could walk in space some day.

wish sb. sth.

Eg. I wish you good luck.

2. Which do you think is the most important?

Do you think 是插入语,不影响句子的整个结构。Do you think 插入到疑问句中, 句子应使用陈述句语序。

Eg. How much do you think I should pay for the book?

3. if so倘若是(那样的话)……

eg. If so , I won’t ask you for help.

4.How do you improve society?


Eg. The thief is dangerous to society.

5. It is likely that many of them will be born in …

likely 是形容词, 与possible 意思相同, 但possible只可用于这样的结构:it is possible that…;likely还可:sb. be likely to do

eg. He is likely to win the game.

6. It is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University


Peking University and Tsinghua University included


Eg. I lost my wallet which contained 200 dollars, including two coins.

7. set up建立, 指“搭建并成立”

eg. We set up a new school and the students there were very happy.

put up单纯指“搭建”

Eg. They put up a new house.

found “成立, 建立”,尤指“国家、组织等”的建立

Eg. The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.

8. in the late 1990’s在二十世纪90年代后期,在年代前的冠词the不能省略。

9.They all share the spirit of…



Eg. The students are in high spirits.

10. …made Zhongguancun a success.


Eg. Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

a success 意思是“一件成功的事/一个成功的人物”

succeed 是动词

succeed in doing sth. 介词in不可省略

11. …is one of those who have returned to China after studying and working abroad.

abroad 是副词。副词作定语需后置。

Eg. I have a lot of friends at home and abroad.我有很多国内国外的朋友。

go abroad出国

12.…and work with some of the top scientists…

top scientists 优秀、顶尖的科学家

top students 好学生,尖子生

13.come true 实现

eg. My dream came true.


Eg. go hungry 挨饿

go bad 变质

14.rely on =depend on 依赖,依靠

15. Not all the new companies can succeed.并非所有的公司都能成功。


Eg. Not everyone likes the film.并非每个人都喜欢这个_。

16.We are not making that much money yet.

That此处相当于so, 表程度。

17.aim at把目标投在……


18. prove“证明”,多作系动词,不用被动

It proved (to be )correct.



1、不定式做主语一般表示具体的某次动作。===动名词doing 表示习惯的,经常的动作。

e.g: To finish the building in a month is difficult.

To do such things is foolish.

To see is to believe. (对等)

注: 1). 不定式作主语时,谓语用单数

2). 当主语较长,谓语较短时,常用it做形式主语,而将不定式放到谓语的后面。


(1)It is/was +adj.+of sb. to do…

(2) It is +adj.+for sb.+to do…

It is easy / difficult / hard / foolish / unwise / right / wrong / unnecessary

(3) it is +a +名词+ to do...

It is a pity / a pleasure / a pleasant thing / one’s duty / an honor / a shame / a crime / no easy job… to do

It takes (sb.) some time / courage / patience …to do…

It requires courage / patience / hard work… to do…

_注意: probable 和 possible 均可作表语,但possible可以用不定式作真实主语, 而probable不能用不定式作真实主语。

It is probable for him to come to the meeting.(错)

It is possible for him to come to the meeting.

It is possible / probable that he will come to the meeting.


主语是以aim duty hope idea intention plan job suggestion wish purpose task 等为中心词的名词词组 或以 what 引导的名词性从句表示,后面的不定式说明其内容, 不定式作表语常表示将来或现在的动作或状态。

eg :My idea is to climb the mountain from the north.

Your mistake was not to write that letter.

What I would suggest is to start work at once.



ask, agree, care, choose, demand, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish等只能用动词不定式作宾语













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