
记作业 > 高中学习方法 > 高三方法 > 2020关于环保的英语作文




Now  the biggest environmental problem facing mankind is white pollution. There are  too many people use a one-time spoon chopsticks, disposable foam box, and  plastic bags are not easy to degrade objects. Here, I suggest that a large  plastic bag can be used as a shopping bag for shopping, the right garbage bag of  plastic bags is best used for garbage bags; try to use plastic bags; work at  noon need to eat people, but also try not to take a quick Restaurant lunch, the  best home with a special lunch box to bring rice, spoon chopsticks comes with,  try not to disposable lunch boxes, disposable spoon chopsticks.

For  the white pollution, our family has also developed a number of laws on  environmental protection, as follows: used plastic bags for garbage bags; own  shopping bags; less use of plastic bags; try not to use foam lunch boxes and  other disposable items.

Recently,  we went to the market to buy food, the two large plastic bags to bring some of  the fruits and vegetables do not need bags we try not to use plastic bags.  Although this is the case, there are still many fruits and vegetables need  plastic bags, but we still save a few plastic bags, can be said to be a little  bit successful. I think, so save, will be able to save a lot of plastic  bags.

I  said that environmental protection is starting from the bit by bit, we have to  start from the bit by bit, until the sink into the river to be successful.



Once  man did not have to think about the environment protection. There are natural  resources, few people on the earth, which seems to be endless.


Now,  things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our  natural resources, and put forward the puddle and dangerous chemicals in our  environment. If we continue to do this, life on earth will not survive.


We  are aware of, if there are too many fish from the sea, will soon be none left.  However, modern fishing methods, more and more fish caught.We know too many  trees are cut down, forests will disappear. However, we continue to use powerful  machines to cut down more and more trees. We all know that if rivers are  polluted with waste products, we will only lead to a blind alley. However, the  waste products


Configuration  into rivers.


We  know that, if the current rate of rise in the population to continue, within a  few years, there won't be enough food.What, how do we solve these problems?


If  we eat more vegetables, less meat, there will be more food. Forage crops by more  than 5 times of the recommended, land on the animal will be retained.


Our  natural resources will last longer, if we learn to recycie theme.


The  world population will not rise so quickly, if people use modern birth control  methods.


Finally,  if we educate people to think about the problem, we have drugs and Shannon in  the future of the planet cleaner.


 The earthscalechangeofclimatehasbroughtanewkindofnaturaldisasterandthe developedandcomplicatedcitysystemisholdingalatentriskofexpandingthe damageartificially.Alsopeoplehasbeenspoilingthehealthsincetheimmense quantityofchemicalshavebeenproducedandalreadyusedinpursuitof convenienceandvarioustoxicsubstanceshavebeenproducedunintentionallyand accumulatedinenvironment.Therefore,Weneedsomecountermeasuresfromthe viewpointtopreventthecityenvironmentformdisasterandtomanage environmentalrisks.Sowewilldevelopandimproveanewriskmanagementsystem andadisasterpreventionsystemtopreserveandcreatethecityenvironment wherepeoplefeeleasyandsoundintheirlife.


Green,  from my start, love the planet we live on is the responsibility of each of  us.

With  the development of today's technology, people's living standards improve. This  seems to be a wonderful thing, but gradually formed a destruction of the  environment, the persecution of the mother of the earth, the Earth approaching  the danger line. You think, people breathe to be carbon dioxide, work, life are  inseparable from the oil, also have to discharge carbon dioxide. But with the  increase in population, the car increases, carbon emissions far beyond the scope  of our imagination, and this little bit of air where enough! Always impossible,  let the car out of the steam, let us spit out there is The gas that is good for  the air, and the forests that now control carbon emissions are destroyed. Eighty  percent of the world's virgin forests are gone. The forest is disappearing at a  rate of three hundred and seventy thousand square kilometers per day, and people  cut down trees in great numbers without regard to the consequences.

So,  we should be low-carbon life, green travel. Usually travel as much as possible  walking, riding a bike, take the bus and subway, less open private car; less  one-time things; open the computer or TV time are not too long, about a few  hours to turn off; The daily Taomi Shui can be used to wash your hands and rub  the furniture, clean and healthy, natural moisture; go shopping, bring their own  bags, whether it is, or so, Free or charge of plastic bags, are reduced use and  so on.

Green,  from my start.


Handkerchief  was into the "cold palace", and exudes a touch of fragrance of the paper became  "new favorite", in the past has always been the case. And "there is a tree will  thank me" a text but let me know a lot of a lot.

"There  is a tree will thank me" This article is written in modern people are the  pursuit of simple and quick, such a habit as a new fashion. The author does not  advocate the use of tissue paper, because the trees will survive longer. If each  of us is using tissue paper, then our family, provinces and cities, the country  will use the number of tissue paper - how many trees to cut down the trees?  Therefore, the author advocates the use of handkerchiefs, because a handkerchief  can be used many times, as long as the clean can.

Looked  at this article, I feel deep. We should think of the author to learn, more  handkerchiefs, less use of paper, so that more healthy growth of the tree.  Although our power is insignificant, but we just do so, a year down, always save  a few trees to do the face value, right? This will also allow more trees to grow  healthily, not by the ax.

My  dad is a common handkerchief and no paper, he is not willing to waste every tree  resource. So, with a handkerchief, no paper, this should be our real fashion  now!

In  the face of waste and enjoyment, environmental protection and creativity, we in  the end should choose what?

The  answer is yes. Each of us should be environmentally friendly, with a  handkerchief, no paper, save every tree resources, so that the tree grow up  healthy!

Handkerchief,  no paper, this is our new fashion! May the fashion look for the direction of  travel!

Let's  act! With a handkerchief, no paper, so that more trees to escape the ax of the  clutches, because environmental protection attached to you me.













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