
记作业 > 初中学习方法 > 中考方法 > 八年级上册英语第一单元达标试卷



UNIT 1 达标测试卷

时间:100分钟 满分:120分

第一卷 听力部分(20分)


()1. A. answer B. aunt C.uncle

()2. A. brought B. bought C.broke

()3. A. duck B. dish C. diary

()4. A. museum B. mouse C.music

()5. A. feels like B. looks like C.seems like




()11. How does Emma look now?

A. Worried. B.Bored. C. Tired.

()12. Who did Emma go to Canada with?

A. Her parents. B.Her friends. C. Her cousins.


()13. How long is Bob's vacation?

A. For five days. B.For six days.

C. For seven days.

()14. What did Bob think of his vacation?

A. Exciting. B.Interesting. C.Wonderful.

()15. What did Bob buy for Sally?

A. A hat. B.A bag. C. A skirt.


()16. What did the Greens do on Saturday morning?

A. They cleaned the house.

B. They made delicious food.

C. They did some shopping.

()17. How did the Greens feel on Saturday afternoon?

A. Tired and bored. B.Tired but happy.

C. Excited but tired.

()18. Where did the Greens go on Sunday morning?

A. To a park. B.To a museum.

C. To a big supermarket.

()19. When did the Greens watch TV?

A. On Saturday evening.

B. On Sunday evening.

C. On Saturday afternoon.

()20. Who played the piano?

A. Mr. Green. B.Mrs. Green. C. Their friends.

第二卷 笔试部分(100分)


()21.—Is this iPad yours?

—Yes. Myparents bought ____ for my language learning.

A. one B. it C.other D.another

()22. The food is very delicious in that restaurant.We can go and ____ it.

A. sell B. help C.produce D.try

()23.—What's the ____ between these two computers?

—One isblack and the other is white.

A. difference B.surprise

C. problem D. danger

()24. Mrs. Liu is a good teacher. She always uses games to makelearning ____ .

A. important B.difficult

C. enjoyable D.boring

()25. I met Mr. Miller for the first time yesterday.He ____ to be a nice person.

A. remembered B.dreamed

C. sounded D. seemed

()26. This club has lots of ____ . You can swim, climb or play ballgames.

A. activities B. problems C. orders D.messages

()27. This new computer game is popular with students. ____ of them play iton weekends.

A. Few B. Any C.One D.Most

()28. From the top of the mountain the lake ____ uslooked lovely.

A. below B. over C.along D.across

()29.—How is Mary in her new school?

—She isdoing very well. There is ____ to worry about.

A. something B.anything

C. nothing D.everything

()30. Steve often plays the same game, so he isgetting ____ it.

A. angry with B.bored with

C. bad at D. happy about

()31. We just stayed at home ____ it rained hard.

A. but B.so C. if D.because

()32. ____ sunny day!Let's go camping!

A. What B. Whata

C. How D.How a

()33.—Did you try paragliding, Jack?

—Yes. WhenI tried it, I ____ I was a bird. So exciting!

A. would like B. looked like C. was like D.felt like

()34.—Did you go out last night?

—____. Iwent to the cinema with my parents.

A. Yes,I was B. No, I wasn't

C. Yes, I did D.No, I didn't

()35.— Mom, I am hungry. May I have some bread?

— ____ . But don't eat too much.

A. Sure B.Thanks

C. You're welcome D. I'msorry

六、完形填空(每小题1. 5分,共15分)

My sister and I were on vacation at IberostarEnsenachos from April 9 to 16. That was our __36__ time there because weloved it so much last year. We __37__ totry the spa this time. It was enjoyable.

We __38__ inRoom 2124 of the hotel. And our room had a lovely balcony (阳台) with a table and two chairs. We talked about our vacation at the tablebefore going to bed.

You could __39__ everything you want in Cuba. They had all kinds of food. I stillremember I ordered __40__ one morning. They remembered my order __41__ gave meone glass of milk every morning. What excellent service (服务)!

We started each morning with a walk __42__ a road. We enjoyed the __43__ singingin the trees. We went to shows and enjoyed dancing with __44__. We nevergot __45__ there. It was really awonderful vacation. And we hope to go there next year.

()36. A. first B. second C.third D.fourth

()37. A. disliked B. wondered C.waited D.decided

()38. A. left B. stayed C.played D.stopped

()39. A. bring B. take C.try D.sell

()40. A. water B. porridge C.juice D.milk

()41. A. and B. if C. because D.or

()42. A. below B. for C.along D.with

()43. A. birds B. people C.ducks D.hens

()44. A. nothing B. something C.someone D.nobody

()45. A. wet B. happy C.fun D.bored


A: Hi, Jack.(46)________

B: Not very good.

A: (47)________

B: I wanted to go to Hunan for my vacation. But itsnowed hard there, so I had to stay

at home.

A: What a pity!(48)________

B:I only did my homework every day. It was so boring.(49)________

A: Oh. I went to Harbin.

B: It was great. What was the weather like inHarbin?

A: It was very cold and sometimes it snowed.

B: (50)________



Read Tony's diary entries and choose the right answer.

Friday, August 10th

It was fine today. My friends and I had an egg and an apple for breakfast.Then we went to Tian'anmen Square in the morning. It's great! In the afternoon,we went swimming. I taught some kids to swim. It was interesting.

Saturday, August 11th

It was cool today. We went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very longand great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. So we ate a lot fordinner. I ate a large bowl of noodles, chicken and ice cream. The food wasdelicious.

Sunday, August 12th

It was rainy today, so we stayed in the camp. I wrote letters to my familyand friends. At noon we ate hamburgers and salad for lunch. After lunch, wewatched an action movie. It was exciting.

()51. Tony and his friends traveled in ____ .

A. Tianjin B. Beijing C.Nanjing D.Shanghai

()52. What was the weather like on Saturday?

A. Fine. B.Cool. C. Rainy. D. Snowy.

()53. What did Tony have for lunch on Sunday?

A. Hamburgers and salad.

B. Some fruit and vegetables.

C. An egg and an apple.

D. Noodles, chicken and ice cream.

()54. They visited the Great Wall on ____ .

A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday D.Sunday


Hi everyone! My name is Diana. I am an Englishteacher and I teach in a middle school.

Here I would like to tell you an activity. It is anEnglish Club. We always get together on Tuesday afternoon after school from 16:15 to 18:15. It hasabout 20—25 students in different classes. All the studentslike to play games such as a spelling game, storytelling and listening tomusic. We also have another interesting part: competitions. Sometimes we maywork in groups and hold a speech contest(演讲比赛). Sometimes I may show them some tests. I will givethe winners (获胜者) some little gifts and put their photos on thewall. In the English club, I usually ask some English or American friends tocome and have a talk with us. It makes the students know more about English.

The English club gives the English environment (环境) to the students and it makes English interesting and fun. Students canalso make a lot of friends here. I think it may be useful to you. Come and joinus!

()55. The underlined word “competitions” means ____ in Chinese.

A. 集会 B. 旅行 C. 竞赛 D. 表演

()56. How long do the students spend in the English club each time?

A. One hour. B.Two hours.

C. Three hours. D.Four hours.

()57. Which of the following about the English club is TRUE?

A. There are 20-25 students in the same class.

B. They meet twice (两次) every week.

C. We can find some teachers' pictures on the wall.

D. Students can talk with English or Americanpeople there.

()58. What's the writer mainly talking about?

A. The English club at her school.

B. How to be a good teacher.

C. How to join an English club.

D. Games in the English club.


Can you live in your “home” when you are traveling? You may say it's“impossible”. But theHome Exchange (交换) Vacation Club can help you make it.

The home exchange vacation started in Europe fiftyyears ago. At that time, some teachers wanted to go to Europe on vacation, butthey didn't have enough money. Then they thought of an idea. They made somefriends in Europe. When they traveled in the cities where their friends lived, theycould live in their friends' houses and cooked food there. And when theirfriends visited the cities they lived in, they could do the same, so they couldsave lots of money. And with the money, they could visit more interestingplaces.

Later, some teachers set up the Home ExchangeVacation Club. Many people joined the club in more than fifty countries aroundthe world. It is also popular in China now. When you are visiting some places,just call your friends, and they may give you a warm “home”.

()59. According to the passage, when you travel,you canlive in a ____ .

A. hotel B. shop

C. park D.friend's house

()60. The word “impossible” may mean “ ____ ” in Chinese.

A. 有趣的 B. 不可能的 C. 真实的 D.不明智的

()61. The teachers thought of the idea of exchanging homes,

because they wanted to ____ .

A. stay at home B. savemoney

C. live in Europe D. meet theirfriends often

()62. They saved money to ____ .

A. go shopping B. enjoy delicious food

C. visit more places D.take photos


Your teethare very important to you. Strong healthy teeth help you eat the right food andhelp you grow. They also help you speak clearly.

You cantake good care of your teeth by doing the things like these.

Brush yourteeth at least twice a day after breakfast and before bedtime. In fact, youshould brush after lunch and after eating sweet food.

Brush allyour teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along thesides and the back.

Take yourtime. Spend at least three minutes each time.

Use a soft toothbrush. Ask your parents tohelp you get a new toothbrush every three months.

Floss (用牙线清洁) your teeth. The floss can help you get the food between your teeth out.Besides these ways, you also need to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables anddrink water instead of drinks.

Protectyour teeth very well in the right ways and you will have strong and healthyteeth.

63. What dohealthy teeth help us do?(不超过15个词)


64. When shouldwe brush our teeth?(不超过10个词)


65. What doesthe writer want to tell us?(不超过20个词)



66. Frank, take off your w (湿的) jacket so you won't catch a cold.

67. My grandfather has two p (猪) and some hens.

68. I started to learn Russian by m (我自己) when I was eleven years old.

69. These English t (商人) want to meet Mr. Yang.

70. You can see a lot of b (建筑物) on the busy street..



要求:1. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥;

2. 70词左右。开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:apple orchard苹果园,water给……浇水,look after照顾,pumpkin patch南瓜田

Dear Tom,

During this summer vacation, I stayed with my grandparents in a village.



Li Hua




三、11~15:CACBA 四、16~20:ABCAB

第二卷 笔试部分

五、21. B 点拨:one指代上文提到的同类物品中的一个;it指代上文提到的同一个物品;other表示“其他的”;another表示“另一个”。根据句意,可知此处指代前面提到的iPad。故选B。

22. D 点拨:句意:那家饭店的食物很美味,我们可以去____一下。sell卖;help帮助;produce生产;try尝试。故选D。

23. A24. C25. D




八、A)51~54:BBACB)55~58: CBDAC)59~62:DBBC

D)63. Eat the right food,help you grow and help you speak clearly.

64. After breakfast, lunch,eating sweet food and before bedtime.

65. Our teethare very important to us and we should protect them very well in the rightways.

九、66. wet67. pigs68. myself69. traders70. buildings

十、One possible version:

Dear Tom,

During this summervacation, I stayed with my grandparents in a village. My grandparents have alarge apple orchard. Every morning, I helped them water the trees and pick upapples. They also have a small pumpkin patch. Every afternoon, I helped them tolook after those pumpkins. In the evening, I did my homework or read somebooks.

The air was fresh and thelife was relaxing in the village. I really enjoyed myself during the summervacation. How did you spend your vacation?


Li Hua














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